“I didn’t know they were capable of this.”

“I’ve never seen them so attentive.”

 – Cheryl H., teacher

Mark has received high praise from some very high profile guests.  “You’re really good at this.  Your questions are unusually insightful,” said Scott Adams, famous cartoonist, multiple best-selling author and massive influencer.   “The conversation was most cordial—unusual and not what I’m used to” was the compliment given from The Amazing Lucas and and “You’re very perceptive” came from none other than John McAfee, inventor of antivirus, and controversial millionaire presidential candidate.

Mark Bradford uses these honed conversational skills in his talks, which are more interactive and intimate than one would expect from someone on stage.  His skills show, and his audience engagement creates a memorable, thought-provoking learning experience for his attendees. 

These talks are applicable to high school and college level, but can also be enjoyed by most audiences.  Talks are typically engineered to be about an hour, with audience interaction.


Download PDFs of these programs specially-tailored for high schools


Podcast Conversations

From equipment to guests, the basics of starting a consistant, interesting podcast from a host who has created almopst 200 episodes.

Nonfiction writing

From self-help to productivity, the framework of non-fiction is centerpiece in this discussion.

Writing fiction

For those that want an insight into the creative process of writing, such things as the infinite importance of dialogue, creating a vivid scene and why descriptions sometimes don’t matter are just some of the topics reviewed, discussed and enjoyed.

Please let me know what your thoughts and needs are.  Feel free to be as verbose as you like, and let me know of any specific needs.   Wondering if I’ll talk on a particular subject?  I have additional talks not listed.   If you prefer a phone discussion, don’t hesitate to immediately schedule one up via my calendly link.

Thank you so much for your interest and I look forward to chatting with you!

The mixed media of fiction and non-fiction

Mark Bradford uses the mixed media of fiction and non-fiction.  Wording is artistic and artful, drawing upon a half-century of experiences.

The high art of distilling

Perhaps Mark bradford’s kryptonite is his intense desire to distill and explan complex issues to others.  Dealing in abstractions and converting them to simple, tangible information can certainly be a high art.  Each podcast is only ten minutes for articles, and interviews can go up to 60 minutes.

Bussiness and Professional Organization Programs

These talks are applicable to high school and college level, but can also be enjoyed by most audiences.  Talks are typically engineered to be about an afternoon*, with audience interaction.

Do it to a F.A.U.L.T.

Do you have a task you need to accomplish, but find it tendious?  Do you have a long term goal, but cannot break down the bits and get them done?  Learn how thre F.A.U.L.T method allows you to create an “anchor” to things and watch them get done—in some cases subconsciously.

Especially helpful for:  sales professionals, administrative assistants and entrepreneurs

Do it to a F.A.U.L.T.

Do you have a task you need to accomplish, but find it tendious?  Do you have a long term goal, but cannot break down the bits and get them done?  Learn how thre F.A.U.L.T method allows you to create an “anchor” to things and watch them get done—in some cases subconsciously.

Especially helpful for:  sales professionals, administrative assistants and entrepreneurs

Writing fiction

For those that want an insight into the creative process of writing, such things as the infinite importance of dialogue, creating a vivid scene and why descriptions sometimes don’t matter are just some of the topics reviewed, discussed and enjoyed.