Opening Friday July 3rd

The Art of Fiction

Open Hours

Daily: 10. a.m. – 5 p.m.
Monday & Holidays: Closed !


The Sword and the Sunflower
Merrik the Mad

Coming Up

The Sword and the Sunflower

Anastazja declares war on Luxor

Circa 1250 in the year of all saints

“Oil painting of Ana in sunflowers declaring her intent to destroy all saints.”

Note that the framing was uncommon of this era and added later as part of a private collection.

Ana's Two Swords

Stephanic of Wiktor
Circa 1300 in the year of all saints

Anastazja pictured with the two swords crafted by her father.  As with most paintings of this era she is pictured in a sea of sunflowers.

Coming Up

Upside Down

The Beginning of the End

Unknown survivor

“Rain begins to fall as the city is bathed in eerie purple light.”

Sketch uncovered as part of a number of sketches.  Most were water damaged.

Austin Destroyed

Unknown survivor

“Purple clouds and angry lighting strike the city sending fragments to the streets below.”

Sketch uncovered as part of a number of sketches.  Most were water damaged.