Snowman Lifeform

We all know the story of the article of clothing that creates a specific sentient life form complete with limbs and memories and ears and eyes requiring only snow that occurs during a certain time of year in the shape of three spheres stacked on top of each other...

Lost Pets, Bad Restaurants and I Heard Something

Are you a helpful neighbor? Then you might love to go online and help your fellow neighbors. Listen to how helpful some neighbors can be. Warning – not sleepy energy but instead more awake energy, possibly a morning coffee episode rather than a sleepy sleepy...

Marzipan, Salves and Pastes

When was the last time you had marzipan, and why? Do you think fondant is a food or just a cheat for people who bake and don’t care that you eat a non food? Or is it the sound a car makes when you park too close to a wall? What about alcohol with metal in it? Do...

Soup, sneezing and gravy

Do you like soup? What about gravy? Have you ever had clear gravy? Of course you haven’t because you know what’s up and you’re down with the liquid. Explore these things and more and also God bless you please stay in your jail cell because I’m...

Pets must have three-syllable names

Hello Uhh Uhh, how are you? Have you seen Uhh Uhh Uhh? Do you want to go outside, Uhh Uhh? That’s what your pets hear. Dogs and Personal Snooping Devices and the worst dog breed ever created. Also snakes in the shape of triangle and trees that are only one foot...