Cheese, Disc Food and Roman Emperors

Would you like a piece of cheese? If so how big is a piece? Is each piece just a piece of a bigger piece when it comes to cheese? I mean a bread stops at a loaf. What if there was a restaurant that only served disc food? What if you’ve been there already and are...

Chalkboards, flowers and pool parties

In this episode we discuss what it takes to be a gardner, and by that I mean not understanding the English language. Also, do you own a chalkboard because you don’t because it’s not made of chalk and you’re as bad as a gardener. Great topic, love the...
Pogo sticks, funerals and what’s goin’ on.

Pogo sticks, funerals and what’s goin’ on.

So what do you have going on? Or rather, whaddaya got goin’ on? There, that’s the proper way to say it with all the words just squooshed together like that. You may have something going on, and in that case you may not be able to listen to this and...

Owl eyes, the sun, and the forgotten letter L

Are you a night owl? Do your eyes move and are they positioned at the same height? Good, then you won’t drive off a cliff in frustration. Maybe you’re on the “A” team? It’s all coming together now, isn’t it? As a good friend you...

Batman suits, driveway visitors and pig summoning

Do you like it when people come to visit? What if they aren’t and they are just using you for your driveway? There are two ways to summon a pig, and there are at least three kinds of Batman suits. Great idea, great topics, first time listener love the show five...

Snoring and Insects and Slouching

Let’s go on a journey and discuss our lumbar and beds that make you vertical. Also there are insects but not the bad kind and I don’t mention earwigs at all. Play in new window |...